Monday, May 11, 2009

What Was I Thinking?

The old saying goes, "O Ye of little faith..." Well, I was "Ye" on Friday. In preparations for our annual Pancake Dinner and Silent Auction, we ask the Sunday School classes and Ministry groups of the church to create and donate "theme baskets" that we can use as the items for bid in the auction itself. I was struggling because we had what appeared to be less participation than in years past. However, we also had a few baskets that exceed what I call the "creativity quotient" of the past, as well.

So, what I had was an option to see the positive side of things and be excited for the new creativity and the buzz of excitement that was coming from several of the groups and individuals that participated, or I could simply look at numbers on a page and get worried that our efforts to raise funds would fall short of previous years.

I must admit sheepishly that even though I tried to keep it positive, I ended up on the numbers side of things more than I wish I had. Before we got started, I was already convinced that we were not going to do as well as we have in the past.

This is the point in the writing in which sound effects and bright lights would be good. Here's where I freely put these words out there of my own accord: I WAS WRONG! In spite of what looked like fewer baskets on the tables, people showed up, made generous donations, and exceeded not only my expectations, but numbers from the past years. In fact, the numbers are not even important. I heard so many positives about the atmosphere and the fellowship and the fun among all those that participated, that regardless of how we did financially, the night was a success.

So, for anyone that might have detected or suffered from my attitude, I apologize. I usually tell others to remain positive and avoid thinking negatively, and here I was doing the same. My only hope is that in this public apology I can offer another lesson: Be humble and admit when you're wrong.

This mistake has given me a "refresher" course on faith and how God is bigger than the odds. When we simply rely on the worldly things and the circumstances of life apart from God, then yes, we will be inclined to be disappointed and see only the negatives. BUT, if you draw on the hope and faith that comes from God, and put all your expectations on Him, then you will have a hard time being disappointed, because God will work to bless your heart and touch your life in any and all situations.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Moving Stinks...I think

We finally bought a house. We've lived in the area for about two-and-a-half years, and with the market being down just a bit, we were able to get a house that we like alot, and got a great deal! Unfortunately, when you buy a house, it usually means you have to then move to the house to live inside of it. Which also means packing, and loading, and unloading, and unpacking--blehck!

We have all of our junk in the new house, and I dare say we are probably around 65% unloaded, but as soon as I say that, I'll discover a whole new mess of boxes that need to be relocated within the house and opened and all of that. Oh's a good thing.

Here's my issue. I'm not sure if there is something inside of the house or what, but just days after moving in, my allergies kicked into overdrive, and as a result, I've had a really runny, stuffy nose, along with itchy eyes and that itch in the top of my mouth/back of my throat that you just can't get to go away! If moving stinks--I sure can't smell it!

It may have been mowing the grass for the first time, which coinsides with the allergy attack. It could be that there are about 900 flowers and plants around our new yard. Looks nice, but wreaks havoc on me! Or, horror of all horrors, the previous owner had a cat that we didn't know about, and the cat remnant in the ventilation ducts could be messing with me. Who knows? I could probably just go to an allergist and start getting shots, but that's about as appealling to me as having dental work done with a jack-hammer.

But, in spite of my less-than-desirable sinus issues, I'm enjoying the aspects of a new place. I like that it was my yard to mow. I enjoy that I worked for three hours in overgrown bushes with thorns to try and make the backyard more enjoyable for my boys. I think we inherited a beautiful yard with wonderful colors and plant life. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Once we get a good rain, and the pollen in the air dies down a bit, I should start to feel better. After we've changed out the air filters a few times inside the house, any existing cat dander (if any) will start to lose it's potency. But, even after they are gone, I'll still have a home to call my own. God has provided a wonderful place for my family and I to live. We like it, we're happy, and we can see the hand of "Providence" in our lives, taking care of us.

Too many times, we let the little things right in front of our faces block out the wonder that is beyond ourselves. I have decided that sniffles and all, I'm looking past my nose, and enjoying the blessings of what God is doing in my life right now!