Thursday, August 4, 2011

Book Review: Billy Graham in Quotes

For years, Billy Graham has been, without argument, one of the greatest examples of a disciple of Christ, who has committed himself to following Jesus’ great commission to “...go and make disciples of all nations.” Hundreds of evangelical crusades, dozens of TV specials, and several movies that he and his ministry have sponsored have all led to thousands of people coming to Christ. He is admired and respected, including those who do not necessarily agree with him or follow Christ themselves.

His words, filled with the Truth of God’s Word, and paired with the compassion and love for God’s people, allow those around him to know without a shadow of a doubt where he stands on issues of faith and life. Billy Graham in Quotes is a great resource to allow others to pull from messages, writings, and sermons that Graham has shared over the course of almost seventy years. His words are organized by topics, and each topic is headed off with a scripture reference that relates to the same concern. Whether to accent or add impact to sermons or to give encouragement to other believers, the words collected in this volume are a testament to what God can and will do through the lives of those who fully commit to serving Him.

To truly sense the humility and purpose that seemed to drive Graham through the years, only need to examine words from the man himself, laid out in the foreword of this book: “People do not come to hear what Billy Graham has to say; they want to hear what God has to say...God has not promised to bless oratory or clever preaching. He has promised to bless His Word.” Anchored in Scripture, and shared with a passion to see others turn to Christ, this book is a great resource that can be used to further God’s message of redemption.

I received a complimentary copy of Billy Graham in Quotes from