Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Scenes From the Rear-view Mirror

This morning during my quiet time, I rememer specifically praying that today I would find humor in the things that usually bring frustration. Not necessarily "Bah ha ha!" laugh-out-loud funny humor, but a light-hearted approach and the ability to smile or laugh it off.

Here's a great little story of how God answers those prayers. As the boys and I were waiting to pull out of our neighborhood, a lady in front of us waited forever to make her left turn, forgetting that there was a lane specifically created to turn into and wait for a spot in the oncoming traffic. If she had gone into that lane, she could have merged more quickly at least five or six times that I saw.

After a good four minutes of waiting, the guy waiting behind me finally lost his cool, and shot around both of us to turn the same way, and made a very inconsiderate and Kamikaze left turn in front of both myself, and the car in front of me. So, needless to say, I was a bit frustrated. She finally went, and I finally got to turn left into that extra "merge" lane. When I did, a kind driver coming my way flashed their lights to let me go in front, so I acknowledged their friendly gesture with a wave towards the back window.

My boys were in the back seat, and they asked why I was waving. I told them it was good manners to say "Thank You" to people when they do something nice, and the car behind us let us in, which was a nice thing to do, so we waved to say thanks. A little while later, I found myself getting cut-off several times while we were in the merge lane on the Interstate (imagine that). Suddenly, I notice these little hands waving in the rear-view mirror. I asked the boys what they were doing, and they said, "We're using good manners and saying thank you!" I had to laugh, and suddenly the frustration was gone!

The rest of the ride was pretty easy, because every time someone cut in front of us, or behind us, my little gentlemen-in-training said "Thank You" by waving at each and every one of them. (Even though some of them were not actually doing nice things.)

It's neat how God can take something and use it to bring a smile to our face, if we are willing to let Him do so. I can't promise that tomorrow morning I won't get frustrated at the countless number of selfish drivers. But today, God showed Himself faithful, and reminded me that He is in control, even during ridiculous traffic.

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