Monday, December 14, 2009

Blessing in Room 473

Part of my job is taking a day to visit church members who might be in the hospital. I know, it sounds so impersonal when I say it like that. But the truth is, I KNOW that’s a part of this job and I have known it, and while it’s not something I consider myself to be really “good at,” I do enjoy the chance to visit with people.

Usually I just hope I don’t put my foot in my mouth accidentally, and pray that I didn’t embarrass myself too much. I can only hope that my visits bring a small measure of meaning to those that I go to see. Almost all the time, God is good, and my visits end up being a blessing for me—probably far more than the patients!

Today I had the privilege of seeing a couple. The husband was in the hospital, and his wife was there with him, doing her part to take care of him. At first, a nurse was in the room getting this gentleman set up with some kind of breathing treatment. As a result, he couldn’t actually talk for the first ten minutes I was there, but I promised him I’d wait until he was done so I could talk with him, too.

By the end of the visit, I knew several things about this couple that impressed and inspired me. For starters, they have been married for sixty-six years. In today’s world, that’s saying much, and sets a great example for younger married couples.

I learned that this particular gentleman served his country and was active in World War II. I have always admired and appreciated those who serve in the armed forces. I support all of our active troops as well as veterans through the years. These men and women take on the mantle of service, and many times are put into situations and areas where they would not choose to visit in any stage in life, but because of their pledge, they go where the orders lead. Regardless of our political views and whether or not we agree with the decisions made, we should always offer our support and thanks for the men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect our American way of life.

Two times in his 70’s, this man bicycled his way across the County. Once from California to Florida, and the other time from California to New England. Both trips were completed in under 50 days. I wonder if I can even bicycle for 50 minutes without collapsing!

During the conversation, this couple mentioned all the time they spend with their great-grandchildren. I believe they are truly blessed to have such close relationships with their family, and are physically healthy enough to stay involved. (Don’t let the hospital visit fool you, it was a temporary set-back, but this couple still stays active!)

In general, this visit served to remind me that life is a gift from God. No area of it should be taken for granted, and we should certainly not squander our days whining about what we don’t have. Instead, we should look for blessings everywhere, and take our definition of “blessing” out of the box, and allow ourselves to receive whatever form or fashion of blessing God sends our way.

Today, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit a wonderful couple in the hospital. Can’t say I woke up expecting to find a blessing there—but will go to bed tonight remembering it, and thanking God for it!

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