Monday, March 16, 2009

I Scream for Ice-cream

I really like ice-cream. It’s quite easily the closest thing to a food addiction that I have. My very favorite is Mint Chocolate-chip, and it would be a toss-up between Mayfield or BlueBell as to which is my favorite brand of it. (Both are now available in your friendly, neighborhood Harris Teeter stores.) However, due to the cost of these particular brands here in Virginia, I have had to find some alternatives. I also began to realize that I need to branch out and try new flavors.

I really enjoy chocolate-chip cookie-dough, Rocky Road, Party Cake with Icing ribbons, and one from Kroger’s brand called, “Black Raspberry Chocolate Chunk.” Without a doubt, most people have their favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor picked out, but these are also quite pricey and must be saved for those very special occasions. Like Thursdays.

For awhile there, you could not enter our house without expecting to find at least 2 half-gallons of ice-cream in the freezer. We would indulge in a small bowl just about every night. However, around this past Christmas, I decided that I had been eating way too much of it. Yes, I said it. I was just as shocked to hear the words coming out of my…off of my fingers…well, I was as surprised that I thought it, as some of you may be that I typed it. Make sense?

There really is too much of a good thing when it comes to ice-cream. While I may not have been putting on weight, per se, I know that there were probably things going on inside of my body that I could NOT see that were just as dangerous to me. Cholesterol, sugar intake, and whatever else I’m forgetting from my basic college Biology or health classes. Just because I could not see the dangers, didn’t mean they were not there. I decided it was time to cut back. I only eat ice-cream on the weekends now, and while there are days that I miss it, I know it’s better for me.

In the great, grand scheme of things, ice-cream is not usually considered a terrible danger to many people. Sure, there are diabetics and people with allergies that would disagree, but my point remains the same. Even things that are considered harmless by many folks, can carry some degree or element that can do more damage than good when abused or used incorrectly. Jogging is considered a healthy way to exercise, but if you have bad knees or a bad back, then not so much. Reading books is a good way to expand your mind, but if you read worldly books that influence your beliefs and actions in a negative way, then maybe you should go back to shrinking your mind.

My point is this. Almost anything that we consider to be good and helpful can be misused and turned into something harmful. We have an enemy that takes anything he can use, and tries to harm us. Whether by destroying our reputation, or character, or our health (such as the ice-cream), he tries to get the best of us.

Fortunately, our God is bigger and better than our enemy. What the devil intends for harm, God can use for His purpose—which is always good. I’m not sure how that all fits in as far as ice-cream goes, but when you find yourself in a rough time, when the world seems out to get you, and you really are doing your best to make your decisions according to God’s leading and instruction, then know that HE is at work in your life. HE is watching you, and HE will lead you through with new insight, new faith, and a renewed sense of who you are in Christ. That’s better than any mint chocolate-chip!

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