Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Feeling so Good

Well, it's the time of year where lots of peole get to feeling pretty rough. I myself, have done everything I can do to avoid it, but it has caught up with me. I have these waves that pass over me that feel very flu-like. I get kind of loopy feeling, and go through fits of coughing where I feel like my toes are being pulled inside out and passing through my mouth.

But, I will get better. It may take a few days, and I will do my best to take the right medication to treat the symptoms. Then, after some time passes, I'll be back to my normal self.

As I like to do, let me take this to another level. How many people out there are sick in a spiritual sense, and don't realize it? Sure, they feel like they're doing well, but the truth is, the illnesses just lie dormant for awhile until the right time when they will wake up and terrorize the host. These may be things like lies, lusts, cheats, thefts, and a host of other "viruses" that attack the spiritual condition of people. When the conditions are right, they rear their ugly heads, and manifest themselves in equally horrible ways.

What if you forget to study for a test--that "cheater" germ begins to drop subtle symptoms. What about when you get caught doing something you shouldn't be doing? "Liesus fromya mouthus" is the clinical name of the disease that can strike at this point. Be careful when you surf the internet, because "Lustius Maximus" is an aggressive parasite that latches on to the host and can cause a lifetime of hurt.

You get the idea. (Hopefully.) Do what you can to avoid these illnesses, and if you discover that you are suffering from one or more, then go straight to the source of healing, and pray for relief. God will hear your cries, and if your heart is committed to the treatment, no matter how difficult it may be at times, and you're willing to follow-up with preventative care in the aftermath, then you will see results and succeed in breaking free from the spiritual sicknesses in your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get well Cody.